Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Aries

Monday, 3 March  – Sunday, 9 March


All looks well on paper so feel confident about your hopes and plans for the week. On Monday, Mercury enters your sign giving you the power of speech and inspiring movement and momentum. This is a good time to offer up ideas and engage in discussions which will move your life forward. We are none too distant from a total lunar eclipse, which is close to Saturn, so although you want to remain positive about the future, do not be tempted to cut corners or assume something is in the bag before you have an iron-clad guarantee.

Forward march.

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 24 February  – Sunday, 2 March


Mars, your ruler, turns direct helping you get back on track and giving power to your elbow! This planet of action and ambition has been retrograding since early December, which may explain why you’ve been reluctant to make a stand or promote yourself. It may also explain why a situation has been on hold. Everything begins with a thought, a spark in the unconscious mind, so unbeknownst to you, ideas have been percolating that are now ready to see the light of day. You don’t have carte blanche, but if you’ve done your homework and you’re match-fit, it is time to get going.

Action stations.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Aries

March 2025

With so much going on between now and the end of April, make sure all your ducks are in a row before the 15th when Mercury turns retrograde. On the 29th the last solar eclipse in your sign for nearly a decade will take place, so you’ll be right on target if you’re planning to embark on a big new adventure. Otherwise, you might have a new chapter foisted upon you. Neptune enters your sign on the 30th, so you can be forgiven if you’re in a love-bubble and out of touch with reality. Then again, brain fog all on its own is not a lot of fun, so get everything in writing and blink twice before saying yes or no.

This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:

The Year Ahead for Aries

It’s time to dream big and bring dreams into reality. Neptune, the bridge to the higher realms, enters your sign on 30 March encouraging you to believe in your ability to manifest your ambitions and desires … Venus will be in your sign for Valentine’s Day – perfect for an engagement or wedding… April is a tricky period all round. With Mars opposed to Pluto, there could be power struggles and professional challenges to meet. This is not the time to issue ultimatums unless you are prepared to carry them out. By contrast, with a huge effort, you’ll achieve the breakthrough you’ve needed for so long.