Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Scorpio

Monday, 10 March – Sunday, 16 March

This is a tough period for most people and even if you are happy and content with life, it will be difficult to ignore what is going on in the world. This is a critical point in the year and situations could go one way or the other. And there is more than an element of fate to what is happening, although you have the power to choose what you do in response to a fait accompli. Bringing things into being will prove harder and take longer although what is set in stone will feel like a huge achievement. Within hours of the lunar eclipse, Mercury heads into retrograde indicating a three-week period of reflection and re-evaluation.

A testing time.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 3 March – Sunday, 9 March

Think of this week as the lull before the storm, whether this implies a time of relative ease before a major event to which you are looking forward or the period prior to an unexpected development that could throw your timetable and your plans into the shredder. Get ahead with tasks that need to be done later in March so you don’t have to think about them when the world is shifting on its axis. Yes, I may be exaggerating but the advice is solid: get your ducks in a row so you don’t have to think about them when, well, the world shifts on its axis!

Getting your ducks in a row.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Scorpio

March 2025

When the going gets tough, the Scorpions get going! It’s not that March is a bad month so much as it’s a period when so much is happening, you’ll need all the focus you’ve got to make the most of the golden opportunities that lie at the heart of events. Babies and children could be part of the reason this is such a memorable period; work and people in far-away places are others. The cosmic drama is playing out in ways that are forging great change in you, which in turn is making you see certain people and situations in an entirely new light. Nothing stays the same forever, including you.

This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:

The Year Ahead for Scorpio

Spread your net wide: the comfort zone is not your happy place… Some Scorpios will find that a friendship becomes romantic or that the “one” is found in a group setting, perhaps on a team event or in a holiday location. Indeed, if there is a key to happy relationships it is to be found in recognizing you and your other are a team… Staying in a job that you hate or in a position where you’re undervalued or mistreated cannot be sustained. Whether you get up the courage to leave or a job comes to an end, it’s a good thing. And under 2025’s new influences, you may find that other stuck situations are released.