Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Virgo

Monday, 6 January – Sunday, 12 January

Relationships are in the foreground and by the last week of January, you should know where you are with someone. Indeed, more than one item on your pending list will be ticked off. Whether you’re thrilled with the end result or somewhat fazed, far better you know where you stand. While it appears to be other people who will be making the first move in any negotiation, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Send a message on a different topic or set a date for a joint event in the future. Let the power of positive-thinking work its magic.

Positive action.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 30 December – Sunday, 5 January

On Thursday, Venus heads into the seventh house where she can do some of her best work – bringing people together and pouring oil on troubled waters. Perhaps you will be celebrating a decision about a relationship or maybe you’ll be joining with people you love to bring in the New Year, but in whatever way you can celebrate having good people in your life, do so. That being said, the Mars-Pluto opposition is the stuff of strife, whether you are aware of conflicts in the world or there are differences to bridge in your own life. Do your best to bring peace and love to bear, but if not, there’s always another day.

Happy New Year!

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Virgo

January 2025

Venus will be moving through the area of love and relating throughout January, making this a premium period for meeting a new partner and setting a love affair on a long-term footing. It’s also a great time to find backing for business and professional projects. Nonetheless, it’s not an easy-breezy month. On or near the 20th, an organization or individual may inform you of their decision to end a contract or change the terms of an agreement. Unsettling as this may be, it should release you for bigger and better things. 2025 is a year of change, and it all starts from here.

The 2025 Year Ahead Forecasts will be posted by Dec 31

The Year Ahead for Virgo

With the eclipses falling on the Pisces-Virgo axis, an eighteen-month period of game-changing events is beginning. You are being realigned with your destiny. You may even sense that “big” things are set to happen, and you should certainly trust your sixth sense… Getting out of your comfort zone is a given, whether you move, travel or face new and unfamiliar challenges. Your time in the shadows is over… Finances improve, with the exception of those in litigation with a company or a partner. Think twice about heading to court to set wrongs to rights. Your better option is to focus on building your new future.