Aries (last week)
Audio Service – 4 Signs
Listen to my in-depth forecasts for up to four different sun signs. Each week you can log into your account and listen to the latest forecasts for each sign you choose, and don’t worry if you miss a week, you can listen to the past week’s audio from your account page as well.
FREE – In-depth 2020 forecast in pdf format (will be available after December 21)
FREE – In-depth 2020 audio forecast (not a transcription).
$4.99 / month
Audio Service – 12 Signs
Listen to my in-depth forecasts for up to twelve different sun signs. Each week you can log into your account and listen to the latest forecasts for each sign you choose, and don’t worry if you miss a week, you can listen to the past week’s audio from your account page as well.
FREE – In-depth 2020 forecast in pdf format (will be available after December 21)
FREE – In-depth 2020 audio forecast (not a transcription).
$7.49 / month
Introduction to Sun-Sign Forecasting
Introduction to Sun Sign Astrology (45 minutes) A must-see video if you are interested in becoming a sun-sign astrologer or simply want to learn more about astrology. What is sun-sign astrology. How do you make sun-sign forecasts. The methods and materials required. The building blocks of astrology. The importance of finding your own voice. The importance of good writing. -
The Art of Distillation
Finding the Essence in a Horoscope (70 minutes) A video talk aimed at those already familiar with the basics of a natal chart and also experienced practitioners seeking to expand their repertoire. Beginning with keyword principles I will demonstrate how one planet, its position, its aspects and its transits play a pre-eminent role first, in a young woman’s life and second, in Donald Trump’s. Along the way I will discuss the astrology of a relationship, the Saturn cycle, the Kite and Cradle configurations, 9-11, Brexit and the Saturn-Neptune opposition. -
Forums are part of the Course in Astrology and available only to students. The forty-minute forums provide an opportunity for students to discuss issues related to the astrology course. Questions must be submitted by email beforehand. -
Meet Penny
I will be speaking at venues in London, Brighton and Cornwall. Dates and times to be announced. Throughout the year there will be opportunities for you to meet me in person and discover more about the fascinating world of astrology.