AquariusPenny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Aquarius
Monday, 3 March – Sunday, 9 March
On paper at least, all looks fine and dandy, but it’s what lies ahead next week that requires thought and preparation. You have a little time to get your “house in order” and ensure that everything can tick over without your constant input. I’m not suggesting that anything “bad” will happen but with Mercury turning retrograde and a total lunar eclipse, you don’t want to be kicking a task or a problem further down the line. Get it done and dusted now. Finances are the most likely focus for all the astrological hoo-ha, so check your accounts and have any difficult conversations sooner than later.
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 24 February – Sunday, 2 March
New moons help us make new beginnings. Sometimes those new beginnings are self-inspired and on other occasions events take place that open up a new pathway. Friday’s new moon falls in the zone of self-worth so while some of you can look forward to an income boost others will have a reason to feel more confident and optimistic. That being said, Saturn is conjoined to Mercury, which can lower the temperature and encourage us to see the proverbial glass half-full. My advice is to examine a situation warts and all and make a sensible decision, even if it’s the last thing you want.
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Aquarius
March 2025
This cosmic cocktail is heady stuff. March is the perfect time to head off in a new and adventurous direction, so stay with the programme regardless of other people’s opinions. Not that this is an easy month. Two eclipses add a spritz of fate and destiny to the mix, so you’ll need to adapt quickly to changing circumstances, particularly around the 12th and 30th. It may also prove helpful to have some money tucked away for a rainy day. While this is a better year for finance, it doesn’t mean you can spend on the promise of tomorrow.
This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:
The Year Ahead for Aquarius
Your outlook will be changing, whether you move to a new location or events and experiences affect your view of who you are and where you want to be… Holiday romances could turn out to be the real thing and a new love affair could come with a ready-made family. Forget plans and assume the cosmic gods know what they’re doing. Whatever you thought was right for you is going to turn out to be wrong. The new moon of 29 January and the full moon of 9 August are make or break times for a relationship, and the period from late August through mid-September the most romantic and eventful in 2025.