PiscesPenny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Pisces
Monday, 24 March – Sunday, 30 March
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 17 March – Sunday, 23 March
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Pisces
April 2025
Venus has been retrograding in your sign since late March, which may explain why someone has distanced themselves from you or a relationship has experienced difficulties. On the 13th, this planet of love and all good things gets back on track, and accordingly there will be a change in the romantic status quo. Under April’s stars, marriages that take place will be of the right and lasting stuff, and by the same token, relationships that are not will struggle to survive. The weekend of the 26th represents a watershed: what happens at this time draws a line between the past and the future.
This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:
The Year Ahead for Pisces
What a year it’s going to be. Potentially life-changing and certainly memorable. You’ll have to go back almost nineteen years to find an equivalent. Destiny. Kismet. It’s all in there. It will take only one success to end a cycle of disappointment. Also, something you had had to give up or that ended badly could come back to you. Cancel the pity parties and get ready to rumba!… Some Pisceans will be starting the year newly engaged, others will find love and commitment later on. But when a spark is lit, events will move fast… You can make good money in 2025, especially through your own innovative efforts.