SagittariusPenny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Sagittarius
Monday, 24 March – Sunday, 30 March
New moons inspire fresh starts and open new chapters, but when they are eclipsed, those new beginnings come about in surprising and seemingly fateful ways. As a fire sign, you probably love innovation and adventure but this is not the kind of climate in which to take a leap in the dark unless you have a parachute. That offer may indeed be genuine. That person may be the one you have been looking for. But, hold the phone, do your research. And if people are pressuring you to take this one-time-only-deal, ask yourself what is in it for them.
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 17 March – Sunday, 23 March
“What just happened?” is a comment we make when something weird occurs or a situation gets away from us, and you may well find yourself uttering it this week. In the wake of last Friday’s lunar eclipse, which could have placed its signature on the end of a chapter, the Sun’s conjunction to Neptune throws a cloak of mist and murk over much of life. Rather than try to bluff your way through or scramble to find a short-term fix, hold still and wait until you have some facts at your disposal. Mercury continues on its retrograde passage so much can change over the next couple of weeks. Keep reminding yourself that not everything is out in the open yet.
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Sagittarius
April 2025
The sun is out in all senses of the phrase. It is the time of joy and rebirth. Happy gatherings at home and away and new opportunities springing from chance encounters. That’s the good stuff. As always, reality doesn’t take a spring break and on or near the 7th and 25th expect to be made aware of a problem or a change of heart. April is like that. It’s as though people are awakening from a long sleep and suddenly realizing what they need to do. And that includes you. Don’t be afraid to put your foot down, especially at work or with someone who is disrespecting you.
This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:
The Year Ahead for Sagittarius
A new chapter of life begins, and like all new chapters you’re going to be saying goodbye to aspects of your existence that have been in place for years… 2025 is the time to show you are serious about your future and committed to making the grade. Keep at it… Passionate but short-lived affairs are the hallmark of Uranus-in-the-seventh, but no matter how brief the fling, its effects will last a lifetime… Should you need financial backing or a business partner, the stars are behind you. Where you are more likely to struggle is finding a satisfactory base for your operations, and downsizing or a move to the country could be in your best interests.