Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000

The Week Ahead for Leo

Monday, 24 March – Sunday, 30 March

New starts are always to be welcomed, but the reasons why and the events that inspire them are not always so welcome. With this in mind, rather than focus on what has not worked or who has not come through, look into the possibilities that have arisen because the situation has changed. The world is changing and all of us are having to make adjustments. We are having to revise our opinions and plans and our dreams. In many ways, it is an exciting time and if you are about to take a major step, know that the cosmos is behind you. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 17 March – Sunday, 23 March

Now you see it, now you don’t. This is an exasperating astro-scape. In the same way that a foggy landscape can convert quite ordinary objects into something magical or threatening, the presiding Sun-Neptune conjunction can alter reality inspiring you to reach incorrect conclusions. Be prepared to cross-question people who are providing information and to look into the history of a situation before making a decision. Last week’s total lunar eclipse may have thrown you into a head-spin from which you are now recovering, however with a solar eclipse on its way, there is surely more to be revealed. Act only on the facts.

Read carefully.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Leo

March 2025

Keep reminding yourself that the greater the effort, the bigger the prize. It’s going to take work getting places in March, both in the sense of travel and your ambitions. There are unexpected hurdles to overcome, some to do with system-failures and others regarding misunderstandings. But keep on keeping on. You’ll get there. The lunar eclipse (14th) ends a financial cycle – deals can be done and debts repaid – while the solar eclipse (29th) is a forerunner to events that will change your horizons, whether your future lies in a distant place or in a different direction.

This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:

The Year Ahead for Leo

The eclipses of the year (14 March and 7th and 21 September) cut across the financial axis making 2025 a year of unexpected gains. However, settlements and inheritances could come with complications… There is no room for toxic situations in your life. As a result, you’ll be reinventing aspects of your existence. The periods around 27 April, 24 July and 9 August are turning points… Other people are the reason for the year’s highs and lows whether they open doors for you and change your life for the better or you cross swords with someone who proves to be a serious enemy.


