Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Pisces

Monday, 20 January – Sunday, 26 January

The second half of January is a sobering period. Aside from being a “dry January” for many people, events that have already taken place have surely inspired a rethink of your plans and priorities. And this trend continues, this week presided over by a Sun-Pluto conjunction. The death of the old and the birth of the new is the essence of this planetary combo, whether you yourself set about eliminating the obsolescent and creating a space for something new and better or because events happen that end an aspect of your existence. Change is an inevitable part of life. Embrace it.
Done and dusted. 

See last week’s forecast below.

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Monday, 13 January – Sunday, 19 January

This is one of those either-or astro-scapes. A Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces can set the seal on a deal, especially one of the romantic kind, or it can reveal the weaknesses in a situation, even bringing an end to a relationship. Monday’s full moon adds to the potential for tipping points and reckonings. Do your best not to obey your fight or flee instinct. Instead, pause and look at the bigger picture. Other people may not be making the best of decisions, but are responding to what they perceive to be a threat to their future. There’s more water to flow under the proverbial bridge.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Pisces

January 2025

What better start to the year could you have but Venus in your sign. Venus is the bringer of beautiful things so while some Pisceans will meet someone special, others will be setting the date or adding to their bank of marital happiness. Not that January is the easiest month of 2025. Challenges come Pluto-shaped, which means something has to give in order for you to succeed, so be philosophical about those events over which you have no control. Around the 19th, expect a reality check, whether of a financial or personal nature. But that’s what it is, reality. And reality can be a beautiful thing.

The 2025 Year Ahead Forecasts will be posted by Dec 31

The Year Ahead for Pisces

What a year it’s going to be. Potentially life-changing and certainly memorable. You’ll have to go back almost nineteen years to find an equivalent. Destiny. Kismet. It’s all in there. It will take only one success to end a cycle of disappointment. Also, something you had had to give up or that ended badly could come back to you. Cancel the pity parties and get ready to rumba!… Some Pisceans will be starting the year newly engaged, others will find love and commitment later on. But when a spark is lit, events will move fast… You can make good money in 2025, especially through your own innovative efforts.