Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

Monday, 20 January – Sunday, 26 January

A Sun-Pluto conjunction is always an occasion. Each year, as the Sun meets the planet of transformation it presents an opportunity to get rid of aspects of our existence that are not just preventing us from growing but actively harming us. The trouble is we often like those things that are bad for us. Sugar. Carbs. Beer. Fast food. And then there are friendships, relationships and life-style choices that can be equally damaging. So, embrace your power and bring an end to something that you know, deep down, is not good for you. It is also possible that something hidden from view is about to emerge.

Doing what’s best.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 13 January – Sunday, 19 January

Monday’s full moon brings simmering issues to the bubble, and since this full moon cuts across the financial axis of your solar chart, money is probably the issue du jour. However, this is also a period in which important decisions can be made regarding a relationship. As always with things of the monetary kind, emotions need to be set aside so that clarity can prevail whereas with affairs of the heart, your feelings are uppermost. On the one hand, this is an excellent time to sign a contract or to end an agreement. And, on the other, the right time to decide on a plan of action that will ease financial pressures.

Take a step back.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Sagittarius

January 2025

The good news is that Pluto has left the financial zone, setting the stage for a more settled financial era, however, it hasn’t left the solar system or stopped revealing what lies beneath. And January is all about Pluto. The festivities may have got in the way of a developing situation, which now comes to a head. You may not like to take a hard line, but some people need to know you mean business. Mid-month is the time to decide if you’re on board with a situation or your interests are best served in other directions, and if the decision is made for you, it’s a good thing.

The 2025 Year Ahead Forecasts will be posted by Dec 31

The Year Ahead for Sagittarius

A new chapter of life begins, and like all new chapters you’re going to be saying goodbye to aspects of your existence that have been in place for years… 2025 is the time to show you are serious about your future and committed to making the grade. Keep at it… Passionate but short-lived affairs are the hallmark of Uranus-in-the-seventh, but no matter how brief the fling, its effects will last a lifetime… Should you need financial backing or a business partner, the stars are behind you. Where you are more likely to struggle is finding a satisfactory base for your operations, and downsizing or a move to the country could be in your best interests.