ScorpioPenny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Scorpio
Monday, 17 February – Sunday, 23 February
In a year that has been intense to say the least, the cosmos has lightened up and as a result you may feel more optimistic. Mercury angles Jupiter breeding joy and positivity and creating an atmosphere in which debate and discussion of the highest order can take place. This may translate as discussions about a legal matter, a journey in knowledge or an exchange from which you emerge the richer – maybe quite literally in that a financial transaction works in your favour. There is a lot to be said for thinking the best in people, especially at this point in the year: good connections are hard to find.
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 10 February – Sunday, 16 February
If you know there’s going to be a hurricane, you batten down the hatches, and the astrology bears a close resemblance to a force-ten gale. Something’s going to knock you for six, whether in a wonderful way or quite the reverse. (As you may know, astrology is all about patterns and polarities.) Especially if you have a birthday on or near 11 November or planets and points around 24 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius) Uranus is inviting change and the unexpected. A surprise proposal, maybe. Or an unexpected change of heart.
What just happened?
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Scorpio
February 2025
The tighter your grip on a situation, the more likely you are to squeeze the life out of it. Something to think about, especially on or near the 12th, when a full moon and Uranus combine to bring a chapter to a sudden end. This could be very good news should you want to free yourself from a commitment that is no longer fulfilling your needs and aspirations but not so welcome if you have set your heart on a specific outcome. What you think is right for you could be wrong. February is a month of expanding horizons, of releasing yourself for bigger and better things.
This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:
The Year Ahead for Scorpio
Spread your net wide: the comfort zone is not your happy place… Some Scorpios will find that a friendship becomes romantic or that the “one” is found in a group setting, perhaps on a team event or in a holiday location. Indeed, if there is a key to happy relationships it is to be found in recognizing you and your other are a team… Staying in a job that you hate or in a position where you’re undervalued or mistreated cannot be sustained. Whether you get up the courage to leave or a job comes to an end, it’s a good thing. And under 2025’s new influences, you may find that other stuck situations are released.