VirgoPenny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Virgo
Monday, 20 January – Sunday, 26 January
This is one of the most eventful periods of the year and even if you’re twiddling your thumbs and wishing something – anything! – would happen, there is much going on in the underground of life. Ideally, you want to flow with the current, which means decluttering and detoxifying aspects of your existence, but you can also use this transformational influence to get moving on a project that has the potential to change your life in the best of ways. One thing not to do is stick your head in the sand. Be clear in your own mind and bold in your actions.
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 13 January – Sunday, 19 January
This may well be D-day. Decision day. Whether you have to make up your mind about what you are going to do or you are waiting on an answer from someone else, you can only benefit from looking at a situation in its stark reality – no maybes and mights. And although you may want to know what the future looks like, how things are right now is what you should base your judgement on. This is an edgy astro-scape and other people could be trigger-happy, so be prepared for some push-back to your ideas. Success requires hard work, but if keeping a relationship going is such hard work, maybe it’s not worth it.
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Virgo
January 2025
Venus will be moving through the area of love and relating throughout January, making this a premium period for meeting a new partner and setting a love affair on a long-term footing. It’s also a great time to find backing for business and professional projects. Nonetheless, it’s not an easy-breezy month. On or near the 20th, an organization or individual may inform you of their decision to end a contract or change the terms of an agreement. Unsettling as this may be, it should release you for bigger and better things. 2025 is a year of change, and it all starts from here.
The 2025 Year Ahead Forecasts will be posted by Dec 31
The Year Ahead for Virgo
With the eclipses falling on the Pisces-Virgo axis, an eighteen-month period of game-changing events is beginning. You are being realigned with your destiny. You may even sense that “big” things are set to happen, and you should certainly trust your sixth sense… Getting out of your comfort zone is a given, whether you move, travel or face new and unfamiliar challenges. Your time in the shadows is over… Finances improve, with the exception of those in litigation with a company or a partner. Think twice about heading to court to set wrongs to rights. Your better option is to focus on building your new future.