Penny Thornton’s
The Astrology Handbook
Part I
Guide to Interpretation
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon
The Week Ahead for Leo
Monday, 10 March – Sunday, 16 March
There are weeks when nothing much happens and weeks when everything happens, and this is one of the latter. A total lunar eclipse opposing Saturn followed by Mercury’s turning retrograde will be placing their signatures on both global and individual developments. This eclipse flanks your axis of finance and self-worth and may well signal the end of a difficult period for money matters. On the other hand, it could bring a simmering financial situation to a tipping point. Whatever reaches a conclusion now is meant to be – eclipses are the bringers of fateful events – and it may take the following two weeks for this forecast to be borne out.
See last week’s forecast below.
Monday, 3 March – Sunday, 9 March
Now is the time to get a money matter sorted, especially if it involves the support of financial institutions or people with whom you share your finances. Bring forward a meeting or discussion if necessary. Next week, Mercury will be heading into retrograde and Saturn will be in pride of place, so getting anything done and dusted will be much harder work. You’ll be facing a headwind and a downdraft! We are fast approaching one of the most important periods of the year, a period of seismic shifts, which may or may not work in your favour, so obey your instincts and do what your unconscious is urging you to do.
See the month ahead forecast below.
The Month Ahead for Leo
March 2025
Keep reminding yourself that the greater the effort, the bigger the prize. It’s going to take work getting places in March, both in the sense of travel and your ambitions. There are unexpected hurdles to overcome, some to do with system-failures and others regarding misunderstandings. But keep on keeping on. You’ll get there. The lunar eclipse (14th) ends a financial cycle – deals can be done and debts repaid – while the solar eclipse (29th) is a forerunner to events that will change your horizons, whether your future lies in a distant place or in a different direction.
This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:
The Year Ahead for Leo
The eclipses of the year (14 March and 7th and 21 September) cut across the financial axis making 2025 a year of unexpected gains. However, settlements and inheritances could come with complications… There is no room for toxic situations in your life. As a result, you’ll be reinventing aspects of your existence. The periods around 27 April, 24 July and 9 August are turning points… Other people are the reason for the year’s highs and lows whether they open doors for you and change your life for the better or you cross swords with someone who proves to be a serious enemy.