Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Libra

Monday, 3 March – Sunday, 9 March

Mercury heads into the area of relating setting the stage for movement in general and discussions in particular involving misunderstandings or developments that have impeded the progress of a relationship. Ideally, other people need to alter their position and/or offer an olive branch, but even if they don’t, do your best to improve relations before Mercury turns retrograde (15th). More than one situation is coming to the bubble and although this may turn out to be the best thing in the long run, the more things you don’t have to worry about, the better.

Peace talks.

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 24 February – Sunday, 2 March

Mixed messages are frustrating, but until you can establish what is really going on, you are better not operating on assumptions. Mars turns direct helping you move onward and upward yet ruler, Venus, heads into retrograde slamming on the brakes, especially in regard to love and relationships. It may be that you are overtired or overworked and, accordingly, viewing situations through a dark and cloudy lens. As the week goes by, your view on life in general and one matter in particular should change. Friday’s new moon is a sign of a fresh start after a difficult decision is reached.

Mixed messages.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Libra

March 2025

Weeks go by and nothing much transpires, then suddenly everything happens. March is like that. You go from zero to a hundred in a nanosecond. The thing about the unexpected is that you can’t prepare for it, although you can keep a close eye on aspects of your existence that are central to your well-being. Address a small issue before it becomes a behemoth! Work could be the focus for the unscheduled and the unprecedented, whether you receive a fabulous offer or become part of a restructuring exercise. Since Saturn is in the mix, time and karma are a big part of the story.

This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:

The Year Ahead for Libra

Are you ready to fly high? You may indeed be heading to foreign destinations but it’s your reputation that is set to rise. From June, Jupiter will be in the zone of career and life-goals making this one of the most upwardly-mobile years in over a decade. But with success come choices, and a relationship may be the price… Should you have met a potential partner in and around October last year, you may well decide to tie the knot in April. This is a key month all round, but especially for the future of a relationship… This is one of the most go-ahead and rewarding periods of the last twelve years. Even if you don’t hit the heights of success, you’ll grow in 2025.