
- The Sun - the Moon - Mercury - Venus.
- Mars - Jupiter - Saturn.
- Uranus - Neptune - Pluto.
- The element Fire - Aries - Leo - Sagittarius
- The element Earth - Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn
- The element Air - Gemini - Libra - Aquarius
- The element Water - Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces
- The first - the second - the third
- The fourth - the fifth - the sixth
- The seventh - the eighth - the ninth
- The tenth - the eleventh - the twelfth
- Dividing the circle - the hard aspects
- The soft aspects - the minor aspects
- T-square - Grand Cross - Grand Trine - Yod - Kite - Mystic Rectangle
- Chart-shapings - See-saw - Splay - Bucket - Bowl - Bundle - Locomotive - Splash
- Interpreting a natal chart