Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000


Princess Diana – A retrospective

Twenty-five years ago, on August 31 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died. She was killed when the Mercedes she was travelling in crashed in Paris’s Alma Tunnel. The circumstances of her death remain controversial. I had the privilege to work with Diana for six years....

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The Princess of Wales – Time of Birth

I did a huge amount of research a decade or so ago on Diana’s birth, since there was a difference of opinion as to whether she was born in the afternoon (14:10) or the evening (19:45). Astro-databank ( endorses the 19:45 time of birth. I initially used the...

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The 13th Sign Of The Zodiac

Zodiac Alert The recent brouhaha about the 13th sign of the zodiac needs to be laid to rest. Be assured, you’re still an Aries or a Sagittarius, a Scorpio or a Capricorn. Nothing has changed. So, once again some astronomer, in this case Parke Kunkle from...

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The Dawning of the Age of Invisibility

It was snowing. It was the first day of spring and it was snowing. Big white fluffy flakes were tumbling out of a slate-grey sky and falling silently on the pines and silver birches. There wasn’t a bird to be seen, a crocus or a snowdrop, let alone a daffodil. I was...

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A Tale of two Weddings

Will history repeat itself and William and Catherine’s marriage follow the same course as Diana’s and Charles’? Sad to say, I am old enough to recall the day Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer. In fact, I remember it well. It wasn’t a particularly sunny...

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Saturn in Libra: The Coming Cardinal Crisis

On 29th October 2009 at precisely 17hrs 09 GMT, Saturn enters the sign of Libra. Saturn is one of the most important planets for consideration in both mundane astrology (the astrology of world affairs) and natal astrology (person-centred astrology) so its entry into a...

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A tale of turmoil – Park Geun-hye

South Korea's beleaguered President South Korea's leader, Park Geun-hye is engulfed in a scandal that threatens her presidency. She is accused of allowing a close friend, Choi Soon-sil, to view secret documents, which Soon-sil subsequently used for...

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The New Princess

Despite denials by Kate and William that they did not know the sex of their unborn baby, along the way, close friends appeared to be sending many signals that it was a girl. So many signals, in fact, that I started to believe that there was method in the...

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Flight into Oblivion – the mystery of MH 370

AT PRECISELY 00:41 ON 8 MARCH, MALAYSIAN AIRWAYS Flight 370 thundered down runway 32 R and lifted into the cloudy, moonlit night. It was the last time the Boeing 777 was seen. At 01:19, a voice from the flight deck of MH 370, later confirmed to be that of First...

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Dennis Elwell

Obituary It is with great sadness that I bring you the news that Dennis Elwell passed away on 13 November. I referred to Mr Elwell in my May, 2014 newsletter in regard to the Herald of Free Enterprise, the ferry that sank in Zeebrugge harbour in March...

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Robin Williams

The announcement that Robin Williams had been found dead at his home – suicide by hanging – was a shock to all those who knew him at a distance and a loss beyond compare to those who loved him. In the days following his death, it emerged that he was...

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The Royal Baby – Prince George

Three cheers for George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge! In keeping with royal protocol he arrived late and kept millions waiting on tenterhooks. And with Neptune – the planet of mystery and illusion – caught up in a major alignment it is no surprise...

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Learning the language of Hollywood A funny thing happened to me the other day. I had an email from the VP of a company based in Los Angeles, claiming to be able to turn my dream into a reality. Now, this was not some blatant scam, although, in a way, it...

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Norway’s Darkest Hour

They were clearly manifesting on 22 July in Oslo and on the island of Utoya. On the day itself you would be hard pressed to point a finger at an astrological culprit. The second half of July was notable for its celestial harmony with the worst of Saturn...

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Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston was the quintessential diva. A Leo, naturellement, her sun conjunct Venus; you could say she was born a star. The sun and Venus are to be found in the 6th house of service, which gave her a tremendous work ethic; she was no slouch when it...

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Predicting 9-11

A personal reflection on the events of 11 September, 2001 Every year at this time I send a special card to the Super of my old apartment block on West 57th Street. I used to send a bunch of Stargazer lilies too but his wife, Eleanor, died last November, so now there...

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Zodiac Alert

The recent brouhaha about the 13th sign of the zodiac needs to be laid to rest. Be assured, you’re still an Aries or a Sagittarius, a Scorpio or a Capricorn. Nothing has changed. So, once again some astronomer, in this case Parke Kunkle from the Minnesota...

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The Royal Engagement

William and Catherine After a courtship lasting eight years the announcement of the engagement between Prince William and Kate Middleton, or Catherine as she prefers to be known, can hardly be said to be a surprise. We can see they look right together and we surely...

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Princess Diana

A Personal Memory Diana, Princess of Wales, would have been forty years old on July 1st . Four years after her death, she is still alive and well in the hearts and minds of people the world over - those she knew and those who watched her life unfold on television...

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Looking For Mr. Darcy

I am in serious danger of becoming smug. There, I just caught sight of myself reflected in the clock face on my desk, a little self-satisfied smirk: I'm all right, Jack. And why? I have realized how wonderful it is to be married. Now, before you run away...

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Should You Lie About Your Age?

Is this a serious question? Of course you should lie about your age. It is a woman's prerogative, part of her essential mystery. I have been suitably vague about my age ever since I was twenty-three and realized there were only two years to go before youth...

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Third Time Around

Three weeks before I married my first husband, I realized that I did not love him. I was definitely not in love with him, in fact I was not in the least attracted to him. So I went home to mother. But instead of receiving tea and sympathy, I was given a...

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The Meaning Of Life

When was the last time you thought about your life? Not how old you are, how in debt you are, or whether celibacy has gone from being a temporary aberration to a terminal condition but what your life – anyone's life, come to that – is all about. Now, you'd...

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Sex And The Sidalceas

I had a dream. Actually, it was not so much a dream as a disembodied voice whispering in my ear as I lurched into wakefulness one early autumn morning. “Mr Osaka is tending your garden”, it said. So, Mr Osaka is tending my garden. I thought my herbaceous...

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I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again…

I don’t know about you but I live in a very blurry world. Not always, you understand, just when vanity overcomes common sense. And that’s rather often in my case. I blindly scribble my signature on store receipts, rarely put the right tip in the right...

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Pluto: Demoted But Not Decommisioned

To say that astrologers are currently suffering from a surfeit of ruffled feathers is an understatement. On 24 August the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of its planetary status and consigned it to relative insignificance among the many celestial...

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The Science Of Seers

A Talk given at the Changing Hands Bookstore in Phoenix on 8th August 2002 Whatever your conceptions and misconceptions of astrologers and astrology I am aware that I tread in the footsteps of Masters. Astrology has an extraordinarily long and colourful...

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Talking Cosmic

The Jupiter-Pluto Effect Pluto, the slowest mover of all, is currently perched between 10 and 12 degrees of Sagittarius. (We'll deal with what this means for you as a person later but for now we're talking collective, global.) Jupiter, a speedier customer but a planet...

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The Saturn-Neptune Opposition

My horoscope columns and Weekly Audio Forecasts are prepared weeks and months before publication and transmission so you'll appreciate that it is something of a feat when I refer to a 'current' situation that in fact lies some time ahead. Fortunately, synchronicities...

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Diana, In Memoriam

It is seventeen years ago that Diana, The Princess of Wales died. And in memory of her life and death I thought it appropriate to include a few thoughts here on They come in the form of a chapter in my book, Starstruck. On 30th August 1997,...

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The Saturn-Uranus Opposition

I had been meaning to write this piece at the beginning of September, but events rather overtook me. And by events, I mean the speed of the global economic meltdown, and the roller-coaster ride that is the US election, upon which the signature of the Saturn-Uranus...

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Inauguration of President Barack Obama

A new era for the United States of America began on 20th January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as America's forty-fourth president. In keeping with his Aquarius-rising spirit President Obama promised to meet the demands of a New Age and to right the wrongs of...

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A New Decade, A New Dawn?

I remember waiting for midnight to strike on 31st December 1999 and instead of whooping for joy at the prospect of a new millennium, worrying if I'd be able to get cash from the ATM machine and whether my laptop would cease to function. Then there were all those...

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