Astrolutely Fabulous! | established in 2000



The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

Monday, 3 March – Sunday, 9 March

The period before a total lunar eclipse can be tense. Anticipation could be running high because of a special occasion or you may simply feel as though something is in the air. With this in mind, attend to anything that has you concerned, whether that means raising a delicate issue or pre-empting a decision that you fear may go against you. And by that I mean, making sure you have given a situation your best shot and been in touch with the relevant people. Thursday is the best day of the week for discussions and getting people on side.

Pre-emptive action

See last week’s forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

Monday, 24 February – Sunday, 2 March

A new moon at the base of your solar chart begins a new chapter on the home front. You may not realize quite why immediately but during the course of the next two weeks one or more events will change an aspect of your domestic life. For some Sagittarians a home move is on the horizon, for others a new arrival, whether by birth or marriage and, in general, March is a period of change at the very roots of life. This week, Saturn and Jupiter are in the mix, so while one development could temporarily set you back, another could boost your confidence and optimism.

New beginnings.

See the month ahead forecast below.

Click here for my YouTube videos.

The Month Ahead for Sagittarius

March 2025

You need Saturn to put the glue in situations, so rather than recent the time it’s going to take to do something the right way, welcome the chance to prove you’ve got what it takes to stay the course. Short-cuts and quick-fixes are not the way forward, as events around the time of the lunar eclipse (14th) may well reveal. What is true and lasting will come through this period of the year, however, if you’ve been following a course that is not in your best interests, that road may well run out. A change of home or work location may also be part of the story.

This Year’s Forecasts are more In-depth than Ever! See below:

The Year Ahead for Sagittarius

A new chapter of life begins, and like all new chapters you’re going to be saying goodbye to aspects of your existence that have been in place for years… 2025 is the time to show you are serious about your future and committed to making the grade. Keep at it… Passionate but short-lived affairs are the hallmark of Uranus-in-the-seventh, but no matter how brief the fling, its effects will last a lifetime… Should you need financial backing or a business partner, the stars are behind you. Where you are more likely to struggle is finding a satisfactory base for your operations, and downsizing or a move to the country could be in your best interests.